Front-end developer dedicated to build apps that perfectly works.

I'm Muhammad, a front-end developer from Pakistan. Although I explored various fields like video editing and graphic design, none truly sparked my interest. My journey into front-end development began in 2020 when I discovered HTML and CSS, and I haven't looked back since. I'm always staying up-to-date with the JavaScript ecosystem, excited to see what comes next.

I started with basic HTML and CSS, building websites that no one initially liked. Since then, I've worked tirelessly day and night to enhance my front-end skills, always seeking new ways to streamline development. My biggest motivation as a front-end developer is creating websites that genuinely meet my clients' needs.

I spend most of my time searching for solutions to problems and bugs on my own, often turning to Google and ChatGPT for answers. I make mistakes, get frustrated, but I believe this is all part of the process. Despite the challenges, I continue to build and grow as a developer.

Currently, I'm working at Tech Mentors, a tech-based company specializing in web application development. Tech Mentors aims to meet the growing demands of the tech industry and position itself as one of the top tech companies in Berlin, Germany. My go-to stack includes React, Next.js, and TailwindCSS for building modern web apps.